I am really going to try to be more diligent about updating my blog. I know it will be so worth it in the future when I can look back and remember little details about our day to day. So here goes again.
This year for Easter Kalyn was finally big enough to do an egg hunt, she has gone before, but this year she understood the idea of snatching up the eggs and putting them in her basket. Since I had to work Saturday she went with Mema and Marlee (Grandma Rachel went too, but she stayed in the car) I was so excited for her to go, but was so annoyed after I talked to Mema... it was mass chaos and I was so bummed that Kalyn got a measly 2 eggs. I wont go into details, but lets just say some big kids (and adults) are rude and care only about how many eggs they get and not that its supposed to be about EVERYONE having fun. Next year we will have our own egg hunt at our house, no bullies allowed. Now that I'm done with my little rant... onto the good stuff.
Sunday was a fabulous day! It was Easter and Daddy's birthday! We woke Kalyn up at 8:30 so she could find her basket and daddy could open his gift. Of course Kalyn was chomping at the bit so after her cereal we let her have a couple pieces of chocolate and we got ready for church. I only stayed for sacrament meeting so I could come home and get lunch ready. I asked Kalyn if she wanted to come home and she told me no, that she wanted to go to "the nursery" so cute. Everyone came over for lunch after church and we had a great meal. Kalyn did a small egg hunt in the backyard where she scored more candy and some money. After her nap, and dinner Curtis went with Brian to go bowling for his birthday, so we had the evening to ourselves. We played, watched her new Barbie movie and ate more candy. About 9:30 it was time for bed. I went to the bathroom to go potty and to get Kalyns toothbrush ready, I came out to dead silence. I called out to Kalyn, no answer. I called out again...
Me: "Kalyn?"
Kalyn: "Yeah" (coming from the basement)
Me: "What are you doing down there?"
No response
Me: "Kalyn, what are you doing?"
K: "One minute"
Me: "No, get up here please"
K: "Ill be done in a minute"
Me: "One... Two... Three..."
Still no response, so I head down the stairs. I can hear her talking but I don't see her. There is a small light on above the washer and dryer, but I dont see her.
Me: "Kalyn?"
K: "One more minute momma"
I realize that she is in the bathroom. I open the door and find my child sitting on the bathroom floor with no lights on, her empty Easter basket next to her, and powder nesquick in her lap. Shes eating the chocolate nesquick by the handful... its all over her shirt, on her face and caked in her fingernails. I tore it out of hands and told her that she could was not to eat that ever again, she cried and I tried really hard not to let her see me laugh. If I wouldn't have been so mortified it would have made for a fabulous photo, but I promptly washed her off and chaged her jammies. All in all, it was a great day. There is nothing better than holidays with our family, especially a holiday that means so much to all of us.
Kalyn and Marlee at the egg hunt
Lyric, Baby Jazz, Marlee and Kalyn Being the terrible mother that I am, I did not get a single picture of Kalyn in her Easter dress. Oops! I guess there is always next year :)
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