Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bedtime prayers

I am always entertained by Kalyns prayers. Usually when saying our bedtime prayer she mentions something we've done or someone from that day that we've seen. Yesterday she stayed home all day, it was too cold to play outside and I had to work so she was stuck inside all day. When I got home from work last night she was so excited to see that I had brought balloons home for her. She played with them until bedtime and then asked for me to bring them in her room for her to sleep with them. I wouldn't let her bring them into to bed, but she was happy having them next to her bed.

We folded our arms and she started the prayer... "dear Heavenly Father" at this point if she doesn't say anything I will continue on and she will repeat what I say, If she continues on, I repeat what she says. "Thank you for the animals... thank you for the lions... thank you for the peacock" I'm repeating what shes saying and Curtis and I are both trying not to laugh. At this point I take over so that our whole prayer isn't just listing random animals that she is thankful for. A couple seconds later she breaks in again "and thank you for my balloons" I giggle a little more, "thank you so much for our family" and we finish up.

I am so grateful that she is thankful for so much. I am grateful that she gets so much joy out of something like a couple balloons. I am mostly grateful that at 2 1/2 she never forgets to thank her Heavenly Father for her family...

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